Shawn Serfas

Lake Country, BC



The foundation of my art practice and creative research explores the relationships between environmental sciences, the landscape and issues bordering abstraction and representation. Within that framework I pose questions concerning identity, place, ancestral origin, religion, and relational abstraction.

As a painter I believe that content is negotiated through process and my studio practice is experimental and process driven. I am interested in the physicality or, what I term the geomorphology of paint and how it becomes a surrogate for other forms of matter and their respective meanings. This view filters my creative research through a systematic lens relating to observational experiments assessing the physical and chemical properties of marks I make in relation to a pluralistic range of concepts. Importantly, my interest in geomorphology is aided by my understanding of hydrology and remote imaging. These have influenced an order of physical governance in my painting practice that reveals a topographical or aerial perspective using geological references and employing specific painting techniques that mimic environmental forces.

Relational Abstraction is a proposition, which asserts that nature is the genetic source of all abstractions in art. If the centrifugal withdrawal or separation of an idea or matter from its parent group is the definition of objective abstraction, then relational abstraction is a centripetal or constant force. In reinforcing the constant action of abstraction, it is not an empty, subjective formal vessel; for it is here the line between abstraction and representation is blurred. This is the crux of my philosophical approach to painting.

Chaos theory and anti-aesthetic theory also influence the decisions formed in my studio practice. Geometry and architecture dominate the figurative language in my painting, while perceived levels of chaos establish the field which I chart. Specifically, it is the notion of the repeated pattern and self-similarity of visual information throughout micro and macro scales that informs my practice. The elusive presence of beauty and the search for purpose or structure within painting invite an anti-aesthetic discourse. I am interested in questioning my own perspective of beauty, examining the acquired tenets governed by taste in art, while critically examining the purpose and role of formulating my own discrete visual language.

My creative practice is directly linked to my surroundings and daily observations of physical space. I am interested in the marks that humans have made upon the landscape, and especially how these manifest and influence natural spaces. This contrast is paralleled in the choices I make with figure/ground, geometric/organic or order/chaos relationships within painting and my ideas of describing space. The analyses of indirect painting processes and the accumulation or layering of complex visual language over

composite or empirical visual information regularly inform my research. I believe that the process of painting is much like studying the origin of landforms or the environmental influences upon landscapes; it is an observational exercise in acquiring data, forming a proposition, and testing those ideas. The main question always under inquiry is, what makes a painting a painting? A secondary question always present in my work examines the objecthood of painting relative to conventions of pictorial illusions and how this relationship imitates everyday experiences concerning object-illusions.

I create pictures of foreign, remote, unknown, and immaterial terrains, both atmospheric and subterranean in nature. The descriptive images I create portray the forces that shape both ideas and matter; they are invented, sourced and auto fictional.

Curriculum Vitae

2003 Master of Fine Arts Degree (M.F.A.), Major in Studio Art, Painting Division

University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

University of Alberta Master of Fine Arts, Master of Design Scholarship

Awarded for academic, scholarly and creative achievements, April 2001 & 2002

2002 Bachelor of Arts Degree (B.A.), Major in Art History

Graduated with Great Distinction

University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

2000 Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree (B.F.A.), Major in Studio Art, Painting/Printmaking

Graduated with Great Distinction and Distinguished Thesis Exhibition

University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Judy Poole Fine Arts Award

Awarded at convocation to the most distinguished Bachelor of Fine Arts Graduate as determined by the Department of Art and Art History, University of Saskatchewan, May 2000

Distinguished B.F.A. Exhibition Award

Awarded by the Department of Art & Art History to the artist whose final thesis exhibition is deemed exceptional, University of Saskatchewan, January 2000

University of British Columbia

Associate Professor – Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies

Academic Years 2021-Current

148 Research Road, Discovery Ave, Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7

Brock University

Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts

Chair & Associate Professor – Visual Arts Department

Academic Years 2012-2021

15 Artists’ Common, St. Catharines, ON., L2R 3M2

University of British Columbia

Lecturer – Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies

Academic Years 2005-2012

3333 University Way, Kelowna, BC., V1V 1V7

Contemporary painting, drawing and printmaking practices concerning relational abstraction, environmental aesthetics, religion, the landscape as well as issues bordering abstraction and representation using image construction with respect to environmental science and remote mapping processes

Selected Solo or Two-Person Exhibitions


Tangled Formations, Gallery MX, Montreal, Quebec 


This Kind of Wilderness, (Catalogue) Vernon Art Gallery, Vernon, British Columbia


Folding of Gesture, Darrell Bell Gallery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Forge + Seam, SOPA Fine Arts Gallery, Kelowna, British Columbia


Grid Terrain, Gallery MX, Montreal, Quebec

Alloyed Prairie, Bugera Matheson Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta

Portrait of a Mark, SOPA Fine Arts Gallery, Kelowna, British Columbia


Pseudo-Fiction, (with Catherine Parayre), Alliance Francaise – Galerie Pierre Léon, Toronto, Ontario


Inland, Rodman Hall Arts Centre, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario

Cleave and Trench, Bugera Matheson Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta


Dig, Machine Shop Gallery, Algoma University, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario


Out of Sorts, (with William Griffiths), SOPA Fine Arts, Kelowna, British Columbia


Plaything, Congress: Borders Without Boundaries, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario


Shawn Serfas: Re-Picturing the Landscape, Penticton Art Gallery, Penticton, British Columbia (Catalogue Godfrey Dean Art Gallery)


Borderlands – Imagining the Immaterial, (Catalogue Vernon Public Art Gallery), Art Gallery of Prince Albert, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan


Borderlands – Imagining the Immaterial, (Catalogue Vernon Public Art Gallery), The Godfrey Dean Art Gallery, Yorkton, Saskatchewan

Field + Canal, Agnes Bugera Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta


Radial Grey, SOPA Fine Art Gallery, Kelowna, British Columbia


Borderlands – Imagining the Immaterial, (Catalogue), Vernon Public Art Gallery, Vernon, British Columbia

Tide + Recess, SOPA Fine Art Gallery, Kelowna, British Columbia


Borderlands, (with Luc Bernard), Agnes Bugera Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta


Basin and Range, SOPA Fine Art Gallery, Kelowna, British Columbia


Telluric Currents, Agnes Bugera Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta


Journey to the Surface of the Earth, Agnes Bugera Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta

Remote-Sensing, Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition, Fine Arts Building Gallery, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta


Self-Similar, Gordon Snelgrove Gallery, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


Industrial Niagara, Rodman Hall Arts Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario


New Work, Front Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta

Seeing Red, Darrell Bell Gallery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


Geographies of Process, Co-Curated with Catherine Parayre, Group Exhibition, Die Baeckerei, Innsbruck, Austria


Alloyed: Post-Industrial Ephemera: Soundings, Gestures and Poetics, Silo-City, Buffalo, New York

Shawn Serfas: Recent Paintings, Darrell Bell Gallery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


Forever After: Painting and The Eye That Touches, Emily Davis Adams (USA), Dana James (USA), Daniel John (USA), Zachari Logan (Canada), Shawn Serfas (Canada), MIW Gallery, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario

Art Is in the City, 6th International Painting Exhibition, Lessedra Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria, (Catalogue)

Visual Appropriations And Rewritings, (Participated and Co-Curated with Catherine Parayre), University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

Visual Appropriations And Rewritings, Online Publication: ti< A Journal of Text-And-Image Criticism/Creation, Vol 5, No.1 (2016):


Brain Storms: UAlberta Creates, Enterprise Square Galleries, Edmonton, Alberta

ECAS 21st Anniversary Exhibition, Peter Robertson Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta

From Likeness to Fiction: The Portrait Inside Out, Curated by Janet Werner (Concordia)

Exhibition Hall, Department of Creative and Festival Arts, The University of The West Indies St. Augustine, Trinidad W.I, Rodman Hall, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario

Chaussettes vertes et bonne nuit, les étoiles / Green Socks and Goodnight Stars, (Participated and Co-Curated with Catherine Parayre), Rodman Hall, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario

Chaussettes vertes et bonne nuit, les étoiles / Green Socks and Goodnight Stars, Online Publication: ti< A Journal of Text-And-Image Criticism/Creation, Vol 4, No.1 (2015):

34 Mini Print International De Cadaqués, (Catalogue), Gallery L’Etangd’Art, Bages, France

34 Mini Print International De Cadaqués, (Catalogue), Fundació Tharrats d’Art Gràfic, Pineda de Mar, Spain

34 Mini Print International De Cadaqués, (Catalogue), Taller Galeria Fort, Cadaqués, Girona, Spain

34 Mini Print International De Cadaqués, (Catalogue), Wingfield Barns, Church Rd, Wingfield, Diss, Norfolk, England


Insomnia, Redhead Gallery, Toronto, Ontario

Convergence, 50th Annual Juried Exhibition, Tom Thomson Art Gallery, Owen Sound, Ontario

Academia: Judy Major-Girardin, Martin Pearce, Shawn Serfas, and Bruce Taylor, Earls Court Gallery, Hamilton, Ontario

Possible Object, (includes work by William Ronald, Ronald Bloore and Shawn Serfas) Rodman Hall, Studio Gallery, Brock University

Northern Notes, 4th International Painting Exhibition, Lessedra Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria, (Catalogue)

In the Park, the Horses Didn’t Mind, (Participated and Co-Curated with Catherine Parayre) Niagara Artists Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario

Online Publication: ti< A Journal of Text-And-Image Criticism/Creation, Vol 3, No.1 (2014):


33 Mini Print International De Cadaqués, (Catalogue) Wingfield Barns, Church Rd, Wingfield, Diss, Norfolk, England

33 Mini Print International De Cadaqués, (Catalogue) Gallery L’Etangd’Art, Bages, France

33 Mini Print International De Cadaqués, (Catalogue) Fundació Tharrats d’Art Gràfic, Pineda de Mar, Spain

33 Mini Print International De Cadaqués, (Catalogue) Taller Galeria Fort, Cadaqués, Girona, Spain

12th Lessedra World Art Print Annual, Lessedra Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria (Catalogue)

Off the Hook, SOPA Fine Arts, Kelowna, British Columbia

JNAAG Juried Art Show, Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery, Sarnia, Ontario

Polyglot: Braille/Babble, Rodman Hall, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario

Polyglot: Braille/Babble, Online Publication: ti< A Journal of Text-And-Image Criticism/Creation, Vol 2, No.1 (2014):

ECAS 20th Anniversary Exhibition, Enterprise Square Galleries, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta


3rd International Painting Exhibition – Competition, Lessedra Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria

Side-Tracked, Sopa Fine Arts, Kelowna, British Columbia


Insight – Artist as Educator, Penticton Art Gallery, Penticton, British Columbia

University of British Columbia Faculty Exhibition, Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia


ECAS 18th Anniversary Exhibition, Edmonton Contemporary Artists’ Society, Common Sense Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta

Echo, SOPA Fine Arts, Kelowna, British Columbia


ECAS 17th Anniversary Exhibition, Edmonton Contemporary Artists’ Society, Peter Robertson Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta


Boundaries, Kelowna Art Gallery, Kelowna, British Columbia (Catalogue)


Recent Paintings and Photographs, Agnes Bugera Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta


The Hour Glass, The Long Galley, University of Wollongong, Wollongong NSW, Australia

Re-Tread, Alternator Gallery, Kelowna, British Columbia

ECAS 14th Anniversary Exhibition, Edmonton Contemporary Artists’ Society, Edmonton, Alberta


Telluric, Alternator Gallery, Kelowna, British Columbia


ECAS 12th Anniversary Exhibition, Edmonton Contemporary Artists’ Society, Edmonton, Alberta

FINA Faculty, Okanagan University College Fine Arts Faculty Exhibition, FINA Gallery, Kelowna, British Columbia

Recent Paintings, Agnes Bugera Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta


Other Voices, Latitude 53 Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta

Connect Four, The Works Art and Design Festival, The Works International Visual Arts Society, Edmonton, Alberta

Fast Forward, FAB Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta


Seven Sides, Agnes Bugera Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta

Flash Point, FAB Gallery, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta

HOAH – OSAC, Organizations of Saskatchewan Arts Councils, Traveling Exhibition, Saskatchewan

Canora Arts Centre, Canora, Saskatchewan

Melfort Arts Centre, Melfort, Saskatchewan

Watrous Area Arts Council, Watrous, Saskatchewan


Think, Gordon Snelgrove Gallery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Tractors Not Included, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

HOAH – OSAC, Organizations of Saskatchewan Arts Councils, Traveling Exhibition, Saskatchewan

Grand Coteau Centre, Shaunavon Arts Council, Shaunavon, Saskatchewan

Humboldt Museum, Humboldt, Saskatchewan

Estevan National Exhibition Centre, Estevan, Saskatchewan

Parkridge Centre, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Allie Grifin Art Gallery, Weyburn, Saskatchewan

Assiniboia Arts Council, Assiniboia, Saskatchewan


Pressing Engagements, Gordon Snelgrove Gallery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

HOAH – OSAC, Organizations of Saskatchewan Arts Councils, Traveling Exhibition, Saskatchewan

Biggar Museum, Biggar, Saskatchewan

University of Saskatchewan Arts Council, Kirk Hall, Saskatoon

Jasper Cultural Centre – Maple Creek Arts Council, Saskatchewan

Godfrey Dean Art Gallery, Yorkton Arts Council, Saskatchewan

Hudson Bay Allied Arts Council, Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan

Broadview Community Arts Council, Broadview, Saskatchewan

Outlook Arts Council, Outlook, Saskatchewan


This Kind of Wilderness, Research Presentation, Vernon Public Art Gallery, Vernon, British Columbia


Organized the Walker Cultural Leader, Landon Mackenzie, Public Lecture: The Moon is the Message, Brock University 

Shawn Serfas: Possible Object, Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, British Columbia


Guest Artist, STAC Walker Cultural Leader, Small Walker Press and Artist Talk, Ridley College, St. Catharines, Ontario


Shawn Serfas: Possible Object, Audian Faculty of Art, Emily Carr University, Vancouver, British Columbia


Shawn Serfas: Inland, Hot Talks, Rodman Hall, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario


Inland, Research Presentation, Algoma University, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, November

Inland, Research Presentation, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, November


Re-Picturing the Landscape, Research Presentation, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario

Plaything, Congress 2014 – Borders without Boundaries, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario

Possible Object – Melanie Authier, Hot Talks, Rodman Hall, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario


Re-Picturing the Landscape, Artist Talk, Penticton Public Art Gallery, Penticton, British Columbia


Re-Picturing the Landscape, From Ports to Portals, Research Presentation, Brock University HRI Research Symposium, St. Catharines, Ontario

The Poetics of Space, Research Presentation, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario


Field – Mapping Spaces, Research Presentation, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick

The Poetics of Space, Research Presentation, Mann Art Gallery, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan


Relational Abstraction, Research Presentation, Vernon Public Art Gallery, Vernon, British Columbia


Basin and Range, Research Presentation, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, British Columbia


Humanities Research Institute Grant, Brock University: This Kind of Wilderness

Experiential Education Stream, Teaching & Learning Innovation Grant, Brock University


Humanities Research Institute Grant, Brock University: Landscapes and Relational Structures


Canada Council for the Arts Project Grant, Possible Object


VP Research Office, Brock University / SUNY Research Agreement (Co-Applicant), Silo City

Brock University Acquisition, Crown and Nimbus no.2


Ontario Arts Council Exhibition Assistance Grant, Inland

Humanities Research Institute Grant, Brock University, Possible Object

Rodman Hall Arts Centre, Brock University Acquisition, Red Shift


Tom Thomson Public Art Gallery Acquisition, Sisters 

Vernon Public Art Gallery Acquisition, The Great Divide


Humanities Research Institute Grant, Brock University, Tower and Line

Penticton Public Art Gallery Acquisition, Nimbus no.1


University of British Columbia Acquisition, Mammatus

Humanities Research Institute Grant, Brock University, Tower and Line

Dean’s Conference Travel Grant, Brock University, Re-Picturing the Landscape Presentation, Penticton, British Columbia


Vernon Public Art Gallery Acquisition, Decline


Nomination and Acceptance into Membership, Edmonton Contemporary Artists’ Society (ECAS), Nominated by Dick Der, Edmonton, Alberta, (Current Member)


Okanagan University College Research Grant, Basin and Range


Edmonton Arts Council Grant, Lee Fund for the Arts, Telluric Currents Project, Agnes Bugera Gallery

Okanagan University College Research Grant, Radial Grey


University of Alberta Museums and Collections Acquisition, Desert Armor no. 2 

Nomination for Alberta Foundation for the Arts Graduate Scholarship in Art and Design Nominee: University of Alberta, Department of Art and Design


University of Saskatchewan Acquisition, Self-Similar no. 2 

University of Alberta Master of Fine Arts, Master of Design Scholarship


Saskatchewan Arts Board, Visual Arts Creative C Grant

Maeve Conrick, Munroe Eagles, Jane Koustas, and Caitríona Ní Chasaide, editors, Landscapes and Landmarks of Canada Real, Imagined, (Re)Viewed, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Release Date, September 2016

Cover Image: Rise, Plaything Series, 2010, Acrylic, Oil, Mixed Media on Canvas, 152.4 cm x 121.9 cm (60 inches x 48 inches) 

Parayre, Catherine and Shawn Serfas. “De l’art, du francais, des histoires pour les enfants: une experience d’enseignement a l’universite.” Quo vadis, Romania? 49 (2017). 7-27

Parayre, Catherine and Derek Knight, eds. Industrial Niagara. St. Catharines, ON: Small Walker Press, 2021. 

Parayre, Catherine, ed. “Alloyed” Silo City, Buffalo, NY. Post-Industrial Ephemera: Soundings, Gestures and Poetics. Ed. Catherine Parayre and Reinhard Reitzenstein. St. Catharines, ON: Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts, 2018. 

Serfas, Shawn. “Acrylique sur toile.” Voix plurielles 15.2 (2018). 240-247

Serfas, Shawn. This Kind of Wilderness, essays by Catherine Parayre and Derek Knight. Vernon, British Columbia: Vernon Public Art Gallery, 2021

Serfas, Shawn. Inland, with creative writing by Richard Fausset and an essay by Derek Knight. St.Catharines, ON and Vienna, Austria: Small Walker Press and Salon für Kunstbuch, 2019

Serfas, Shawn. Re-Picturing the Landscape, essays by Donald Stein and Carolyn MacHardy. Yorkton, Saskatchewan: Godfrey Dean Art Gallery, 2011

Serfas, Shawn. Borderlands – Imagining the Immaterial, interview and essays by Lubos Culen and Carolyn MacHardy. Vernon, British Columbia: Vernon Public Art Gallery, 2008Culen, Lubos. Introduction and Interview in Borderlands – Imagining the Immaterial (Catalogue), Vernon Public Art Gallery, March 2008, pp. 4-5 and 14-24

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